Monday, 28 May 2018

Brodie Johnson of Merrill Lynch; Staying Active and Healthy

Brodie Johnson, formerly the Director/Head of Residual Trading at Merrill Lynch, takes satisfaction from his work, particularly as it affords him the opportunity to pursue his own innovative, proprietary investment strategies. A self-employed and successful consultant, Johnson enjoys the opportunity to develop and implement paths to investment success based on years of experience in the financial industry.

Brodie Johnson, a former Merrill Lynch professional, is avid about his work, and he also understands how important it is to stay physically active over the course of any given work day. To become more active over the course of an average work day, it helps to:

·         Walk whenever possible. Whether it’s taking the stairs or parking at the back of the lot, dedicating yourself to walking each day can be amazing for your health.
·         Set aside time for “active” breaks. Each day, be sure to take several 5-10-minute breaks to stretch, move around and get some fresh air.