Wednesday 3 July 2019

Brodie Johnson of Merrill Lynch: Basic Practices that Can Help You Save Money

Brodie Johnson worked in the financial industry, and for such prominent financial firms as Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, for more than 35 years. A successful bond trading and investment banking professional, Johnson now enjoys an entrepreneurial career in semi-retirement—where he pursues his own unique investment strategies.

Cutting Costs and Saving Money

·         Whether you’re semi-retired like Brodie Johnsonof Merrill Lynch, or just getting your foot in the door of a promising new career, saving money and preparing for your future is important. Simple yet effective ways to trim costs and build your nest egg include:

·         Scheduling regular transfers. Biweekly or monthly transfers of a predetermined amount into your savings account can help you build the rainy-day fund you need should emergencies or impromptu vacations occur.

·         Negotiating lower rates. By negotiating lower interest rates or charges on many of your monthly bills (credit cards, phones, etc.), you may be able to drastically reduce your financial burden.